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As; We would like to indicate to you what kind of personal data we will process and for what purposes, with the Clarification Text. Your personal data we obtain in the following ways, depending on the situation,

Within the scope of our legal relations, within the framework of the purpose requiring their processing and in connection with this purpose, in a limited and measured way, the personal data that you have notified or notified to us will be recorded, stored, preserved, rearranged, by preserving the accuracy and up-to-date, We declare that it will be shared with the institutions and, under the conditions stipulated by the KVKK, it will be transferred to third parties in the country, transferred, classified and processed in other ways listed in the KVKK.


WHICH PERSONAL DATA DO WE PROCESS?; It has been prepared with the aim of informing our visitors about the applications and related issues of our site without any commercial concerns, does not provide health services, and your data entered on this site may be processed from time to time in order to provide better service to all our visitors. The contents of have been prepared only for the purpose of informing the site visitors. No health service is provided on this site that can replace a real examination, diagnosis, and treatment.

Your personal data that may be subject to processing by us, if you share it with us or if necessary, are as follows:

Identity Data:

Your name, surname, Age

Communication Data:

Your e-mail address, city of residence, home, and/or mobile phone number

Special Qualified Personal Data:

Information about your health if you include it in your message

Website/Application Usage Data:

The date he sent a message, the frequency/time of login to the site, the ios/android/mobile site/website user, the updated date,

Cities, last message date, first membership date, correspondence between the visitor and the site if the messaging option is available, information on whether the visitor calls the phone number on the site from his mobile phone, and information on the use of the site (every movement and choice made within the site),


Visitor ID, IP address, log records



To fulfill our legal obligations as, to send us your personal data, which we request from you in accordance with the legitimate interest of, of the data sharing principles and terms of use agreement between us, in a physical or electronic environment, and to enter information, audio and video on our platforms. and on the internet,, by recording information that is accessible to us.

In accordance with the legitimate interest of to increase customer satisfaction by providing support to you, we collect it through the information you provide to us during our phone calls, whatsapp message, sms, facebook/instagram interactions.

In accordance with the legitimate interest of to improve its platform and make it more effective, we collect your personal data electronically through the cookies used on our website, as detailed in our Cookie Policy.



Your personal data, which we have mentioned above, is processed for the following purposes for the performance of the data sharing principles and terms of use agreement we have given you on the site:

  • To support you with your problem

  • Answering your calls and responding to your support needs

  • To conclude the complaint in case of a complaint regarding the services we provide

  • In line with your request or in case of complaints on social media, to review your message on the site

We strive to continuously improve and progress in order to fulfill the service we provide to you in the best way possible. For this, we may process your personal data as follows:

  • To increase the quality of the service we provide to you and to ensure quality control

  • Developing our current and R&D practices and improving our practices on patient awareness

  • Developing the software used in by using internal and external resources

  • To provide Google Drive/Microsoft OneDrive software, management and hosting that we host on overseas servers

Finally, we have an obligation to share your personal data when we are asked to share your personal data through legal requests such as legal and procedural prosecution requests and court decisions, and in accordance with the legal notifications regulated in the legislation. In addition, if your personal data is the subject of a dispute in which we are a party, we may need to share your personal data with media and persons such as lawyers, experts, courts, which are necessary for us to exercise our right of defense. We may process your personal data in order to fulfill these legal obligations and to exercise our right of defense.



We strive to continuously improve and progress in order to fulfill the service we provide to you in the best way possible. For this, we can transfer your personal data to third parties in the country and abroad as follows:

  • Data sharing principles and terms of use, data storage conditions in the message you sent to our site, if you prefer the text of explicit consent, to be able to send you an e-mail, to call you, to send you an sms, to receive information on platforms such as whatsapp/facebook/instagram, your personal data including your contact information. we transfer it to the suppliers that provide the relevant service that we have contracted in Turkey and abroad.

  • We can transfer your personal data collected within the framework of the Cookie Policy to companies that provide business development by making such analyzes, the user movement data on the site we collect (where clicked, how long, etc.) in order to serve you better.

  • We can transfer your personal data to companies we work with, such as Insider, Google Analytics, for sales, marketing and reporting activities.

Your personal data mentioned above are processed for the following purposes for the performance of this Service Agreement regarding the employment service we provide to you:

  • In order to support you, we can transfer your personal data, including the special quality personal data in your message, together with the attachments in your message, to the cloud storage systems we have used and the user accounts they have opened under it, in line with the choice you make about whom you want to be seen. . Likewise, if you want your normal and/or special personal data transferred to the Company to be deleted, destroyed and/or anonymized at any time, you must submit your request directly to has no responsibility or liability in these matters.

In addition, in order to exercise our right of defense, we may transfer all your personal data, including your sensitive personal data, to our lawyers or legal advisors, and we may transfer all your personal data, including your sensitive personal data, if a legal request is made regarding the transfer of your personal data.


In accordance with Article 11 of the KVKK, regarding your personal data, provided that you prove your identity;

  • To learn whether processes personal data about you, and if so, to request information about it,

  • To learn the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used in accordance with the purpose,

  • You have the right to learn whether personal data is transferred domestically or abroad and to whom.

In addition, you have the right to request the correction of your incorrect and incomplete personal data from and to inform the recipients whose data has been or may have been transferred.

You can request the destruction (deletion, destruction or anonymization) of your personal data from within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the KVKK . At the same time, you can request that the third parties to whom the data has been or may be transferred be informed about your destruction request. However, by evaluating your destruction request, we will evaluate which method is appropriate according to the conditions of the concrete case. In this context, you can always request information from us about why we have chosen the destruction method we have chosen.

You may object to the results of your personal data analysis, created exclusively using an automated system, if these results are contrary to your interests.

If you suffer damage due to the unlawful processing of your personal data, you can request the removal of the damage.

Your requests in your application will be concluded free of charge within thirty days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request. However, if the process requires a separate cost for, the fee in the tariff determined in the Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of Application to the Data Controller may be charged by the Personal Data Protection Board.

In matters related to the processing of your personal data, you can apply in writing by filling out the application form on the website, or using a registered e-mail (KEP) address, secure electronic signature, mobile signature, or your e-mail address that you have previously informed us and included in our records. You must submit it to us. Depending on the nature of your request and your application method, may request additional verifications (such as sending a message to your registered phone, calling) in order to determine whether the application belongs to you or not, and thus protect your rights. For example, if you apply through your e-mail address registered to, we may contact you using another communication method registered with the Company and request confirmation of whether the application belongs to you or not.

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