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  • Writer's pictureProf Ates Kadioglu

Cost of Penile Implants Surgery& Insurance Coverage For Ed Treatments

Updated: Mar 9

Cost of penile implant surgery
Penile Implant Surgery

In today's dynamic healthcare environment, numerous patients find themselves struggling with the financial aspects of medical care and surgical treatment. This struggle becomes more pronounced in the case of erectile dysfunction treatment, which is usually not covered by insurance carriers. Men are often taken aback by the cost of ED treatment options, and many patients are unaware of the average cost of penile implants.

When doctors recommend penile prosthetic surgery as the best treatment for erectile dysfunction, men may worry about how to pay for it. But unlike pills and injections, Medicare covers the cost of penile implant surgery. While the cost of implant surgery is a common concern, there are solutions available to help cover the expenses.

Since Medicare establishes healthcare coverage standards in the U.S., some private insurers follow suit by providing coverage for penile implants.

Insurance Coverage For Treatments Of Erectile Dysfunction

Medicare does not cover the cost of ED pills and injections, but it does provide coverage for the cost of penile implants. For individuals with Medicare benefits, the monthly cost of oral or injectable medications for erectile dysfunction can range from $400 to $500. The cost of other treatment options for ED depends on the frequency of use and the required dosage. Unlike these treatments, a penile implant is a one-time procedure with no additional fees for Medicare recipients.

Since Medicare sets the healthcare coverage standards in the U.S., some private insurers also cover penile implants. However, it is important to note that many insurers do not provide coverage for this treatment or impose co-pay fees that can be prohibitively expensive, leaving patients uncertain about how to afford the most effective solution for their erectile dysfunction.

Cost of Penile Implants Surgery Procedure


For individuals who do not have insurance coverage for penile prosthesis procedures or are not eligible for Medicare coverage due to age, it is important to explore alternative options.

  • Certain penile prosthetic surgeons offer a special pricing option known as "package pricing." This unique approach to penile implant surgery allows patients to directly pay for the surgery, facility fees, and any necessary penile implant at a significantly discounted rate. Typically, in US the cost of penile implant surgery with package pricing falls within the range of $16,000 to $19,000, which includes all associated fees. While the specific cost may vary slightly, opting for package-priced treatment is especially appealing for men who are ineligible for Medicare coverage or are unable to change their current insurance plan for various reasons. Click here for Take Turkey Price

Inquire about the availability of a co-pay assistance program or other financial assistance offered by the penile implant manufacturer.
  • Certain penile implant manufacturers provide valuable resources to help navigate insurance coverage with healthcare providers. It is worth inquiring about whether the manufacturer of your chosen device offers a co-pay assistance program or other financial assistance options, such as a loan for those who qualify. These programs can be extremely beneficial for individuals who are unable to move forward with penile implant surgery due to the high out-of-pocket expenses. While the cost of penile implants may be significant, exploring financial assistance programs can open up viable options for men seeking to restore erectile function. Additionally, it may be worthwhile to consider switching to Medicare once eligible or exploring other insurance plans that offer more comprehensive coverage for erectile restoration benefits. When evaluating different plan options, conducting research on whether the insurance covers penile implants or not can provide valuable insights for making an informed decision. Click here for more information

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