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The Plaque Incision and Grafting 

This is a surgical procedure performed by Prof Ates Kadioglu to correct Peyronie's disease with minimum compromise in penile length. 

It is a popular procedure because it is a length-preserving procedure. Other procedures, such as the Nesbit procedure, performed by Prof Ates Kadioglu, will straighten the penis but will leave it shorter than it was before.
In the case of the Nesbit procedure, the worse the curvature, the more the shortening.
Plaque incision and grafting surgery aim to make the penis straight again whilst preserving the penis length at the same time.
If you imagine your penis now when it is erect, you will notice that your penis has a longer side and a shorter side. Your penis may be shorter than it was before. Your erections may or may not be affected also.
Plaque incision and grafting surgery use a man-made graft, a patch, to allow the formation of new collagen within the tissues after straightening the penis surgically. Unlike the Nesbit procedure where the incisions are on the longer side of the penis, plaque incision and grafting surgery involve incisions on the shorter side of the penis to make the penis straight. This leaves the gap which must be filled with the graft.
This surgery will make your penis straight again and protect its length. Of course, it should be remembered that whatever is done to the penis now will never be the same as it was before. However, plaque incision and grafting surgery allow patients to correct their penile curvature and protect the penis length as much as possible.
Full recovery from plaque incision and grafting surgery takes around six weeks. You cannot have sexual activity for six weeks after the operation. Most patients are back at work within a few days but it is best to avoid strenuous activity and sporting activity for the six-week recovery period.
Plaque incision and grafting are particularly suitable where the curvature of the penis is fairly significant and where the Nesbit procedure would leave considerable shortening.


Patients usually stay in the hospital for a day. You can go for control within 7-10 days.
After six weeks, he is allowed to have sexual intercourse.

Before undergoing any type of PD surgery, be sure to discuss all risks and benefits thoroughly with your surgeon.
In order to ensure high success and minimum complication rates in the application of these techniques, which are in the class of specialty surgeries, it is recommended to be performed by experienced hands by the European Association of Urology.

Prof. Dr. AteÅŸ KadıoÄŸlu contributes significantly to the treatment guidelines of congenital penile curvature and Peyronie’s disease published annually by international professional organizations, as well as the high success and patient satisfaction he has achieved with thousands of the patients with penile curvature.


Consultations are available with our Urologist Prof Ates Kadioglu for plaque incision and grafting surgery, either in our clinic in Istanbul or on zoom video. If you are not close to Istanbul then the zoom video consultations are a great way to find out more about plaque incision and grafting surgery and how it may help to fix your Peyronie’s disease.

Schedule an Appointment for Peyronie’s Disease Treatment in Istanbul, TR

If you are experiencing issues with Peyronie’s disease, pain or curvature of your penis which prevents you from having sex or is causing anxiety, board-certified urologist, Dr. Kadioglu is here to help. He will take the time to provide you with a comprehensive diagnosis to determine the best treatment option for you. Call our urologic clinic in Istanbul, TR at (+90) 541 385 16 16 today to determine which treatment option is right for you.



            Things To Know Before The Penile Curvature Treatment Surgery 


In order for the surgical procedure to be performed as planned;

If you are using drugs for diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, or COPD; Consult your doctor about medication intake and doses. Since blood thinners usually need to be completely discontinued before surgery; If you are using this group of drugs, you should definitely inform your doctor.
It is very important to inform your doctor if you have complaints such as fever, rash, and cold shortly before the day of surgery because in the presence of such complaints, the surgical procedure will usually be postponed.


            Things To Know During The Penile Curvature Treatment Surgery Day


There are some points to be considered starting from home on the day of the surgical procedure;

You should not eat or drink anything for at least six hours before the surgery
It is recommended to take a bath the night before or the morning of the surgery, but cleaning of the hair in the surgical area should not be done at home.
It is recommended that you take your ID, insurance card and all the medicines you have used with you, bring a minimum amount of money or personal aid devices such as credit cards, glasses, and canes with you in a bag, but leave your jewelry and valuables at home.
After entering the hospital, there are some procedural procedures that you have to perform until you go to the operating room;

You should go to the hospital inpatient unit for hospitalization procedures where your personal information such as identity, address and the phone will be questioned.
After the hospitalization procedures are completed, you will be directed to the relevant service accompanied by the personnel.
After you settle into your room in the service, your blood pressure, pulse, and body temperature will be measured, and then you will be asked to cut your hair in the surgical area.
You will be informed about the types of anesthesia that can be applied during the surgical procedure, and then your approval will be obtained for the type of anesthesia that you, your doctor who will perform the surgery, and your doctor who will administer the anesthesia consider appropriate.
You will be asked to put on a one-piece operating room gown that can be easily put on and taken off after you remove all your clothes, removable prostheses, and jewelry just before your surgical procedure.
When it is time for your surgical procedure, you will be taken to the operating room accompanied by a nurse and auxiliary staff.

Vascular access will be established in order to administer necessary drug and serum treatments before, during, and after surgery.
The type of anesthesia you approve will be applied in the service under the supervision of an “anesthesiology and Reanimation” specialist so that you do not feel pain during the surgical procedure.
You will perform your surgery under safe and sterile conditions, in an operating room that complies with scientific standards, with a team consisting of your doctor, operating room nurse, anesthesiologist, and anesthesia technician.
If your body structure, additional diseases, and some special conditions of your disease are in question, a catheter can be applied to be taken the next day for urine monitoring.
The duration of surgery for penile curvature can vary between 30 minutes and two hours, depending on the surgical technique chosen.
You will be followed up in the post-operative follow-up unit under the supervision of expert teams until the effect of the anesthesia procedure applied after the surgery is completely gone.
Sounds that you are accustomed to hearing during waking up may be perceived as louder, forgetfulness, blurred vision, a feeling of dryness in the throat after general anesthesia, and pain in the operation area may be common.
You are allowed to take food by mouth 4-6 hours after the operation.
The hospital stay after penile curvature (Peyronie's Disease) surgery is usually one or two days. During your stay in the hospital, your vascular access will remain open to ensure your necessary antibiotic treatment and pain control.


            Things To Know After The Penile Curvature Treatment Surgery 


As with most surgical procedures, there are some important points to be considered after penile curvature surgery;

After the surgical procedure, the surgical area is usually covered with appropriate sterile bandages and bandages. In the early period, there may be slight swelling or redness in the incision area.
Before touching the incision area, you should wash your hands with soapy water and make sure that the incision area is always clean and dry. Your doctor will tell you when you can take a bath after the surgery.
In the presence of severe swelling, pain, bleeding or discharge at the incision site, you should consult your doctor.
After penile curvature (Peyronie's disease) surgery, patients are usually called for wound healing after 7-10 days and can have sexual intercourse after six weeks. However, in some special cases, this period may be extended by your doctor.

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